Salmoncon S2S QSO Party this Friday July 12th

This weekend is the annual Salmoncon pQRP 'con' up at Valley Camp near North Bend, WA.

I'm coordinating an S2S QSO party for the event. The target to be on a summit is noon (1900 UTC). We will use 146.58 FM for local coordination / S2S contacts. Many stations will also be running HF, so keep an eye on SOTAWatch.

SOTA Spotting via Text Message (SMS) Important News

If you use the 'SMS to SOTA' spotting gateway to get spotted on a summit, please note that the US number has changed as of Jan 2019! The new number is:  1-424-373-SOTA ( 1-424-373-7682 ).

If you don't currently use the SMS SOTA spotting gateway... well, you should! It just might save your activation some day.

How does one go about using this magical gateway, you ask?

First step is to register by sending an email to Andy MM0FMF (mm0fmf_sota AT Subject of the email should be: "Please sign me up for your SMS to SOTA spot gateway".

PNWSOTA - We are back on the air!

Hello SOTA Fans! You may have noticed that the PNWSOTA site was off the air for a number of weeks recently. The old server that hosted the site for the past 7 years died. Luckily KK7DS had been keeping backups and we were able to restore the site on a new server. Hooray!!

Shout out to NH6Z for hosting the site for many years. Also a HUGE thanks to Dan KK7DS - without his expertise (and backups!), PNWSOTA would no longer exist and 7 years worth of awesome trip reports and other SOTA data would now be lost!