Trailhead has limited or no parking

Milk Shakes West, OR | September 2019


If you want to practice being a mountain goat, this is the summit for you. This peak is technically in NE Oregon, but you drive there from Eastern Washington. The access road near the summit is better suited for high clearance vehicles and has space for 1 car to park. From there you will need to traverse to the summit without a trail up some very steep terrain. You can navigate around the treed sections easily, so although it is very steep with delicate footing, you won’t have to bushwhack.

Hurricane Hill, WA | March 2018


Hurricane Hill is the high point of Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic National Park. It's a fairly easy hike in the summer season, and quite a ways farther in the winter on snowshoes. The summer hike is about 3.0 miles round trip, while in winter it will be closer to 5.6 miles. Although the net elevation gain is about 500 feet, you'll be going up and down along the ridge for more elevation gain, especially in winter.

Badger Butte, OR | July 2017


Badger Butte is a four-point summit east of Mount Hood. It's a bit of trouble to reach and the last bit to the summit is cross-country, but only a half mile through fairly open forest. There are no views at the top to reward you - just contacts on the air with your fellow SOTA folks. Note that some GPS will take you via NF-4891 and Bonney Meadows Road - you and your vehicle will not like that route. Not at all.

Dixie Butte, OR | June 2017


If you find yourself along the eastern stretches of Highway 26 and have a high clearance vehicle, this would be a nice hike of about 2.5 miles round trip to an operating fire lookout. You may elect to drive to the summit, but you may find it more comfortable to hike the narrow steep section. There was snow partially blocking the road in late June, another reason to walk the last bit.

Wagner Mountain, OR | April 2018


Update (5/18): Private Property Alert!

I received a note from Doug W7ZV letting me know that I had crossed private property on my hike to Wagner Mountain. In fact the SUMMIT of Wagner is apparently private property, owned by Young Life's Washington Family Ranch. The river map I was using did not indicate this, and there are no private property signs in this remote area. In short, I had no way of knowing that I would be entering private property on this hike.

Idaho – Sabe Mountain 4August2017


Getting to Sabe Mountain is an experience traveling the Magruder Corridor road, a 100-mile narrow road much of which is over 7500’, high for Northcentral Idaho roads.  The are no services (gas or other) available along this route and the adjoining roads for 130 miles.   According to the US Forest Service brochure, the road, constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1930s has changed little over the decades.  It shows.