Summit does not have a "view"

Dorn Peak Oregon


This must be one of the all time easiest summits to get to.  The dirt road is graded with no gravel.  The only way to know you're not on asphalt are the occassional potholes.  The summit is very large and surrounded with trees that obscure any view of the surrounding vistas.  There is a lot of trash scattered around from clay shooting with a large fire ring indicating a party destination.  The actual summit is a small knoll to the west of the flat area where I set up both a 2m "J" pole and a random wire HF antenna.

Peak 4816, OR | August 2017


Peak 4816 is a near drive-up summit a bit east of Mount Hood, accessed mostly on paved Forest Service roads. The summit area has an small but interesting rock pinnacle. You should consider this summit in the Mount Hood 2m FM "dead zone" as we were not able to raise anyone on 146.52 except a sked with a nearby S2S.

Sunday Fun on Skyline Ridge, OR | May 2017


Had fun today Sunday 5/7 up at Skyline Ridge in West Linn. I got a last minute notice that Etienne K7ATN and Glenn KG7TDC were going up to this park not far from me, so why not? I loaded up the KX2 and my new toy the W4OP loop.after working a few guys on 146.52 (KG7VAK and NS0TA) we set up the loop on a camera tripod. we tuned  it up on 20 and Glenn worked a few using my paddle as a straight key, and then I took over for a quick 11 Qs-into the Midwest, southeast and CA All the sigs were strong - goes to show the band may be open even if you don't hear anything!

Eureka Peak, OR | March 2017


A first activation of Eureka Peak on snowshoes turned out to be quite a workout. The basic climb description is about 2.5 miles one way and 1200 feet of gain, but the real work is off the trail with the last half mile being particularly steep. Since there is no trail to the top this would be difficult to do without snow cover.