Decent tree cover for most of the trail

Bare Mountain, WA | June 2020


Bare Mountain is an easy bushwhack up from a decent-quality dirt road. There are several approaches, but this one is by far the easiest - and may have once been a trail to the summit. I recommend GPS, as there is no defined trail and coming down it is hard to follow your own tracks - though if you stay east of the original tracks you will still come out on the road. I could probably make it down NF-311 in a sedan. We walked from the pull-off on NF-311.

Spencer Butte - June 2020


Spencer Butte is the site of a former fire lookout in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, just north of the town of Northwoods. At the time of my attempt, the simplest access is to go north on FR 25, turn onto FR93 (if you go through the winter gates on 25, you just missed it), and follow 93 to the trailhead. This route is mostly paved, just a short section of gravel from the Muddy River up to the junction with road 9039.

Idaho - Summit 7300 25August2018


Having hiked 2.5 miles to a saddle you might as well activate both close summits to the north and south, W7I/IC-139 & 167.  These summits require a bit of somewhat steep scramble through open subalpine vegetation and open ground after the trail hike.  Views from each summit are similar and overlook undeveloped wild forest area and the Selway Bitterroot Wilderness.

Idaho – Tom Beal Peak 25August2018


Having hiked 2.5 miles to a saddle you might as well activate both close summits to the north and south, W7I/IC-139 & 167.  These summits require a bit of somewhat steep scramble through open subalpine vegetation and open ground after the trail hike.  Views from each summit are similar and overlook undeveloped wild forest area and the Selway Bitterroot Wilderness.

Idaho - Eagle Cliff 12July2018


The hike to Eagle Cliff on Stateline National Recreation Trail #738 has many scenic views along the route including alpine cirque basins and alpine lakes, Cliff and Diamond, and some small unnamed lakes. Wildlife encountered along the trail were mule deer, several dusky grouse and a family of Clark’s nutcrackers.