In conjunction with the Colorado 14er Event on Aug  3rd, the Rocky Mountain SOTA Rendezvous the first week of August, and the ARRL UHF Contest, the W7 Associations are encouraging local Activators to participate from their favorite W7 summit!

Here are some links for more information:

S2S Coordination ideas used last year:

The goal would be to encourage a number of activations in W7, enhance S2S opportunities within W7 and W0C, and generally promote SOTA during that first week in August when the weather should be optimum.

For much of W7 and W0C during this time, afternoon thunderstorms are a reality.  So anticipate morning Activations.  Likewise for Activators, many western locations can be quite hot so proper planning for adequate water and sun exposure is a necessity.

Watch for S2S coordination ideas and plan your SOTA Activations during that first week of August and in particular the weekend of Aug  2nd and 3rd and boost those S2S scores.  And the Chasers will be there...waiting to pounce!  Last year, Activators provided more than 500 points for Chasers!