APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Don't know
Data Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider

On a beautiful early October day, my XYL and I headed south to check out a W7O/SC-xxx summit. We chose King Mountain, a 5264 ft, four point peak with RF facilities on top. To get there get off of I-5 at Exit 78 and head east onto Speaker Rd. This road merges onto 33-5-10 which continues on past Azalea, OR. We used Google Maps directions which got us into the vicinity, but the road names become derivatives of 33-5-xx-xx and there are discrepancies in maps of the area. It is probably best to use a GPS and maps to find the route that ultimately gets you to the summit. That's what we did, and we got there.


The road to the summit passes through a rock circled campground that is a good place to park, avoiding the increasingly rough uphill road. The campground is about 3/4 mile from the summit. There is a gate about halfway up this final section, but it was open and not signed when we went up.


The road passes a broadcast tower that is 100 to 150 feet in elevation below the summit on the way up to the actual summit, which has a more extensive RF facility. We skirted around the summit in the activation zone, staying away from the noise makers on top. There are a number of shrubs and small pine trees to attach an antenna mast to, which I did.  It was a nice afternoon to operate SOTA.