APRS Coverage
Good digi echos
Voice Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Data Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Cellular Provider

An easily accessed summit, that's easily access from the Nestucca River byway. A bunch of different roads will lead you into the area from nearly any direction. Probably the easiest is up Fan Creek Road from the Nestucca River. It is near enough to Boudary road to access several other nearby summits along the same ridgeline.

At the summit of the road, on the east side of the summit, there is a wide landing with plenty of room to park (near 45.3144 -123.507). An old road grade leads up toward the summit which after a short distance connects to a seldom used dirt bike trail which continues up to within 50 feet of the peak, an easy cross-country walk. Total distance from the car is around 600 feet.

The summit is heavily forested, even on a warm spring day we were all chilled by the cool damp air. There are definitely enough trees to hang antennas from, if you don't mind it being close to the ground. There are also a few stumps you can sit or, or stand on to hopefully increase your 2m coverage to the valley. There's decent coverage to the north end of the valley, we talked to Molalla, Salem & Yamhill County with ease.