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Spotty, may not work at all
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After a major delay in starting a planned morning activation, I started looking at more local peaks – mostly just to get outside and talk on the radio. Since there was no pressure and no one knew that I was going out, I thought it would be a good chance to go explore an unactivated summit.

North Coast Peak 2748 was selected as the target and after a little bit of research, I headed off west into the Tillamook State Forest unsure what I would really find.

  • There are a zillion ways to get to the first way point. There is a huge open intersection of several of the main forest roads at 45.7200 -123.4750. Get there and now you’re ready for the real exploration.
  • At the big intersection, take the southernmost road. On Google Maps this is called Beaver Slide Rd. There are no signs at all on the road in real life.
  • In 0.3 miles, you’ll find another multiple intersection at 45.7156 -123.4765. Take the rightmost road here. The center of the road has a pretty healthy amount of grass growing in it, but the road itself is actually in good condition. Please note that this road is not marked on Google Maps or on regular car navigation maps.
  • You’ll drive up this road to a wide spot at 45.7180 -123.4904. Park here.
  • There is a faint road south of here that you will have to walk to the summit proper. Why do you have to walk it? Because at some point in the distant past, the logging operation that worked this hill piled huge piles of stumps, logs, and detritus all along the roadbed. You’ll have to cross many of these to get to the activation operating area – about 250 yards.

The summit area is mostly flat and open if you disregard the piles of wood. There isn’t much of a view as the operating area is mostly surrounded by woods, but if you look closely in some directions you can catch a view, mostly to the west.