APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Spotty, may not work at all
Data Cellular Coverage
Spotty, may not work at all
Cellular Provider

Humbug is a great hike on the South Coast, even if it is a steep six miles round trip and 1700 feet of gain. Find the well-marked and large parking lot for the trailhead about five miles south of Port Orford, Oregon on the west side of Highway 101. No parking pass is required.

After you climb about a mile, there is a slightly shorter (and slightly steeper) option to take the West Trail - I suggest that you try both, as the West has some nice peak-a-boo views, and the East has some amazing old growth. All trails are well-graded and likely busy during the summer months.

The summit is fairly small with a clearing providing a bit of an ocean view and a small bench. When busy, you might set up away from the summit proper to give other hikers some space. There are trees a-plenty for rigging antennas - perhaps too many in some places. There is likely very little 2m FM activity on the Oregon Coast and so HF iwill be necessary for making contacts.

Don't get this summit confused with the other Oregon Humbug Mountain - a North Coast summit, W7O/NC-028