APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Data Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider

Peak 5580 is in a cluster of 2-pointers east of Mountain Home Idaho on the north side of Hwy 20.  They lie about 1.5 hours from Boise so it makes for a nice trip to knock off a few summits.  These summits are generally considered the most achievable around Boise even know it takes a short drive to get there.  Other summits in the area require off road driving or longer hikes.  Some of the peaks in the cluster are available for year round access (SR-130 being the best), but Peak 5580 is a ways off the highway.  In the winter the road is not maintained and could be snowed closed.  During the wet season or winter when there isn't much snow, this road can become very slippery with mud.  During the summer it would be an easy dirt drive via 2 wheel drive passenger car.

The summit is grassy with no trees.  There is a large rock cairn at the summit that can be used to support a light pole.  Otherwise some guy ropes would be needed.

Google maps directions from Mountain Home exit:  https://goo.gl/maps/35E5Z9J95YK2

Strava hike report:  https://www.strava.com/activities/1355742751

GPX tracks available on https://www.sotamaps.org/tracks

Should be good cell service on top (Verizon and ATT) and APRS should be solid into the valley digipeaters.