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Here's a nice 3 mile snowshoe or cross-country ski in the winter. OR...you may be able to drive within about a half mile in the summer. For a good ski experience, you might want to have at least 3 to 5 feet of snow on the ground - see the depth measure in the first photo below.

Find a small pullout off of Highway 26 near 45.209° -121.699° that is about 1.4 miles south of the Frog Lake Buttes Sno-Park. (Remember to put out your Sno-Park pass.) There are two roads that start there - the one on the right will lead you up towards the summit. The road will go about 0.4 miles and then take a turn to the right - it will then go about 0.25 miles and veer to the left - we went another 0.25 miles and left the road heading mostly west through fairly open woods to intersect with another road about 0.15 miles. We headed left on this road towards the summit, heading into the trees after about 0.2 miles, heading directly to the summit about 0.5 miles away. The summit is at the top of a clearcut - not so attractive in the summer but lovely open country when covered with snow.

There are numerous medium-sized trees for antennas but we were fortunate to have another team on a nearby summit and worked 2m FM Summit-to-Summit with them on Tom Dick and Harry and even back into Portland to Mount Sylvania.