Central Oregon wants to join the fun with their own Summit-to-Summit Party!

 Make your holiday plans for Thursday, 4th of July at noon local time. A few activators have already indicated participation from some of the many SOTA summits of Central Oregon. We are looking for any, and all fellow SOTA enthusiasts to participate.

 If you wish to participate, please post an alert on the new SOTAWatch, so we know you're out there. Pick your summit, note that the date form is "4/7/2019", 1900 UTC, 146.58-fm, and put "Central Oregon S2S Party!" in the comment field: https://sotawatch.sota.org.uk.

 While VHF is normally the primary means during these events, many stations will also be active on HF. Our primary VHF frequency will be 146.58-fm. Note that some summits like Grizzly Mountain and Awbrey Butte have significant RFI on 2m and are not recommended. Check out summit ideas on www.pnwsota.org.

Anyone who has any questions, or would like to tag along with an activator to learn the ropes, is more than welcome to contact Ron-W6PZA: radams.shasta@gmail.com.