APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Data Cellular Coverage
Don't know
Cellular Provider

The summit is a developed overlook with a large parking lot for turning around. Great views in all directions, from Pomerelle to Sun Valley, and beyond. There are no trees on the summit, but many wood fenced informational viewpoints which made it easy to Velcro my antenna masts to.

Access is from paved Rock Creek Road (FS-515). After turning off of Rock Creek Road, the summit access is a 1.4-mile dirt/gravel road (FS-507). There is 642 feet of elevation gain. The road is improved and passable for most vehicles when dry.  Google Maps provides good directions to the summit.

Not knowing how successful 2m would be on a Tuesday evening, I e-mailed the Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club president prior to the activation and asked him to notify the club members of the activation.  Turns out, they have their weekly net on Tuesday’s!

It was a very successful activation, both 2m and 40m.