Trail Characteristics
APRS Coverage
Full two-way messaging
Voice Cellular Coverage
No service at all
Data Cellular Coverage
No service at all
Cellular Provider

I like big buttes, and I can not lie...  Tongue Out

I don't have much to add that K7NIT didn't already cover in her excellent report.

WW7D and I rode (motorbikes) all the way to the 'summit' (more like a meadow). The road was in pretty good shape, but there are some faily large 'tank traps' that would require high ground clearance to navigate. Aside from that - easy peasy drive up.

It was pretty late in the day when we arrived. I was able to use APRS to get a spot out, but I suspect the regular chasers were off eating dinner. We did manage to scrape up enough contacts. Most notibly we worked ZL2IFB and ZL1BYZ - always fun to get some DX on a summit!