APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Data Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider

Update February 2021 - Lost Dog Road is now gated with no motorized vehicles allowed. It's only a one mile road walk to the AZ.

This is a very much out of the way summit, along Highway 101 on the Oregon Coast, about 14 miles north of Bandon. Note that there are other Peak 740 in Oregon - make sure this one is your intended peak.

About four miles south of the 101 - 42 junction, find Lost Dog Road near 43.2565° -124.2713°. You'll follow the main track east and bear left and uphill after about 0.9 miles - you'll find a wide spot, perfect for turning around at 1.0 miles - park there. It's only about 100 meters from that spot through the woods to the summit and the AZ. It doesn't appear that the road is in the AZ and you need to get out of the car anyway. There are no views and tons of trees to put up a wire antenna. HF will be the ticket to make any contacts. Verizon had coverage for spotting; T-Mobile did not.