APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Data Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Cellular Provider

Tibbetts Mountain near the small town of Pashastin in Central Washington is one of my favorite early season SOTA destinations. Great views from the summit of the Enchantments and Stuart Ranges.

There are 3 ways to reach the summit; hike the trail (about 3 miles each way), hike the road (about 4 miles each way) or drive the rough narrow forest service road to within a half mile of the summit, then hike the last 1/2 mile with a few hundred feet of elevation gain. Google maps directions will take you to the summit, or within the last 1/2 mile of the summit. 

We've always driven to the summit, and hiked the last 1/2 mile. High clearance vehicle needed to drive the road, which can be brushy in places - watch out for protruding small branches. Also, there are very few bypass areas on the road, so if you meet another vehicle coming the opposite way, someone is going to have to back up some distance. There are only 2 or 3 places to turn around on the 4 mile long road, so once you commit to driving the road, it may not be easy to turn around of you decide the road is too rough or narrow. 

The summit offers great views!  Lots of space to set up antennas. There are rarely any other folks on this summit.