Trail Characteristics
APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Data Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider

I have been doing SOTA now since Dec. 2018..with the Winter months on the way I thought that I would submit summit info here in SE Idaho.  I am about the only station here that actively participates in SOTA so I thought I would pass these along..let me know if you are ever in the area and want to do some summits..or shoot me a email if you have any questions.....73's Bill-N0DNF.....

Summit is located South of Pocatello Idaho. Take the East Fork of Mink Creek Rd towards Scout Mtn Campground and park at the Crestline/Big Fir TH (about 3 miles below Scout Mtn campground).  Take Crestline Tr 7148 until you reach the top saddle.  At the saddle you can see the summit to the N.E. You will have to bushwhack the last .75 miles to the summit. 

Close to 11 mile round trip. Located on Public Land, Caribou National Forest.