Trail Characteristics
APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Data Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider

This was my first SOTA summit activation.  Due to the weather (rain and heavy fog) I chose a summit close to home.  Davis Peak is a major radio repeater site about 13 miles east of Woodland at Exit 21 from I-5.

Access requires a little logging road navigation but a good GPS will get you in the area.  Drive east on SR#503 from Woodland and turn onto the Little Kalama River Road then up the hill to the Aho-Carson Road where you will turn right.  At the end of the Aho-Carson road stay on the main logging road for several miles until you come to a triple fork in the road.  The center fork has a gate on it and is the road you will want to hike up to the summit.

Hike is about 1/2 mile to the top where there are several radio towers and a generator in operation.  I am sure there are great views but not on my trip.  Several good places to setup but I am not sure how much the RF from the site impacted my activation.  In spite of that I made six contacts and learned a lot.

No pictures because of the fog but I will make sure to do so on my next activations.