For those new to SOTA in the Portland, Oregon area who might be looking for some easy, one-point summits to get their feet wet - or for anyone who might want to try out new antennas or gear with less investment of time - or for a quick activation when there's a spot of dry weather, here's a guide to summits in and around the city.


State or City Park in Activation Zone - easy HF antenna setup:

W7O/WV-096 - Mount Sylvania - Tied for best of this bunch. Nansen Summit Park is maintained by the Mountain Park Homeowners Association. Lots of room, although it may have many joggers/walkers in nice weather. See the blog entry on this site. Report here.

W7O/NC-051 - Bald Peak - Also tied for best of this bunch. Has a state park of the same name at the peak - see Often quiet with the most room of any of these peaks and maybe a picnic table to operate from. Report here.

W7O/WV-138 - 761 - Skyline Ridge Park (City of West Linn) is 80 feet below the summit (Note that Google Maps shows incorrect park location). Report here.

W7W/LC-164 - Prune Hill - Another good choice with nearby Dorothy Fox Park maintained by the City of Camas. Report here.


Potential for VHF/Easement/Manpack Activation:

W7O/WV-095 - Mount Scott - Peak on private property, Activation Zone accessible on quiet road shoulder. Report here.

W7O/WV-090 - Cornell Mountain - Peak on private property, Activation Zone accessible on quiet street, no shoulder.  Report here.

W7O/WV-098 - Pete's Mountain - Peak on private property, Activation Zone accessible on unpleasant road shoulder. Report here.  

W7O/WV-091 - Parrett Mountain - Peak on private property, Activation Zone accessible on unpleasant road shoulder. Report here.  

W7O/WV-099 - Cooper Mountain - Peak is on private property, there is access to the Activation Zone across SW Kemmer Road in a greenway, accessable via bark/grass path from housing developments on the east or west. (Although Cooper Mountain Nature Park is nearby, it is not in the Activation Zone.) Report here.

W7O/NC-061 - Red Hills of Dundee HP - Peak on private property - recommended to use lower portion of Activation Zone and asking permission from landowner to activate on the road shoulder. Report here.


Summits on private property, Activation Zone not accessible:

W7O/WV-136 - 1129 - Peak and Activation Zone on private property.

W7O/NC-125 - 850 - Peak and Activation Zone on private property. 

W7W/LC-154 - Biddle Butte - Peak and Activation Zone on private property.