APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Data Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Cellular Provider

Devil's Mountain is just off I-5 as you pass through Skagit Valley, south of Mount Vernon.  It's an easy 2 pointer via a gated logging road. 

Access the trailhead from the East side of the mountain. Exit I-5 at Anderson Road Exit 225, turn right and follow the frontage road Cedardale, north to Blackburn.  Turn right on Blackburn and follow it through a residential area until it forks at 1.1 miles, stay right, becoming Little Mountain Road.  Pass the Little Mountain Park entrance (or stop for an easy 1 point summit W7W/SK-173).  Follow Little Mountain road to the stop sign and "T" in the road at 3.2 miles, where you are forced to turn left or right... turn right.  You are now on Amick Road, follow for 1.1 miles to find a gated logging road on your left.  It's the 2nd to the last left on this road.  If you reach the end of Amick Road, turn around and go back to the second gravel road on your right.  There is only one parking spot.

The first section of this road is private property but the owners are open to recreational walkers and we found a few locals out exercising on this road.  The first 1/4 mile of the road is littered with abandoned squatters shacks, kind of creepy, but don't appear to have been inhabited for some time.  At the first major right bend in the road, it becomes DNR land.  There are two possible left turns on the way up, don't take them.  Stay to the right.  There are three major switchbacks that lead you to the summit where you'll find several commercial radio towers and buildings.  We traveled to the very end of the road to get away from the RF a bit.

It was a great first activation of the year, yielding 29 CW contacts.  I forgot the mic, so SSB was out.  It was also a great chance to exercise the goats.  Boyd carried warm clothes, battery and lunch.   Additional photos can be seen here:


Be aware that this area gets heavy hunting activity during the season and also has an extended season for modern rifle.


Todd, W7TAO