APRS Coverage
Good digi echos
Voice Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Data Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider

Just south of downtown Issaquah is Squak Mountain. It's a Washington State Park and so access is straightforward. From the north trailhead it's 2.3 miles one way on a maze of trails where it's a good idea to check the trail map carefully as there are several junctions on the way to the summit and one unsigned (very short) trail link.

There are two trailheads - the park website below only describes the southern one, the one on the north can be accessed from I-90 Exit 17, then Front Street N to W Sunset Way. Take Mountain Park Blvd SW and then a left on Mountainside Drive SW. Follow Mountainside until a sharp curve where there is parking and park signs. The first map has a red "TH" showing the northern trailhead and the photo of the tralhead map shows "You Are Here" (of course).

There is some radio equipment on the summit itself and plenty of room for antennas - no RF interference from the summit radio installations was noted on 2m FM. 

There was a bit of snow on the trail and it was not too chilly standing in the sunshine on the summit for this 2m FM only activation. Charlie-KX7L was there for my first contact and posted a SOTAWatch "spot" for any other local Chasers...but none were on that afternoon. Getting the rest of the contacts was like pulling teeth until the very end when I got four QSO in about five minutes after requesting "signal reports" for half an hour. I got some good reports up to 30 miles away so I know was being heard somewhere with my 5W and a quarter-wave whip.

Although the links below describe the need for a Washington State Discover Pass, there were no signs requiring them at the northern trailhead off Mountainside Drive SW.

