Cellular Provider

A beautiful Fire Lookout on Huckleberry Mtn with great vistas of the Three Sisters.  Pack a picnic lunch and enjoy before the lookout becomes active for the summer.

Getting There

Stop at the Oak Ridge RS and get the Huckleberry Lake Trail No. 3573 handout/map for driving directions. Otherwise it's complicated.  At intersection #725 continue straight on #720 to the locked gate.  Hike another 1/2 mile to Lookout.  The gate is sometimes open if a Ranger is at the Lookout. When I was there last (2008?), there was a lady in her 80's that had been a "lookout" for over 50 yrs.  Great stories!                                   

Red Tape

No permits required.  Gate at the final ½-mile.  Park near but don’t block the gate as FS personnel often come-and-go.  If a Ranger is present, be sure to ask for permission to setup your antenna.  If a Ranger is not present, enjoy the deck of the Lookout!   Generally the lookout is operation July-mid-Sept. 

When To Climb 

Year round. The road is usually snow free between June and September.  The access road is not plowed but the road is a popular cross-country trail and often used by snowmobiles. 

Mountain Conditions

The Oak Ridge RS will generally have a road status and seem to be quite friendly to Hikers.


External Links
