APRS Coverage
Full two-way messaging
Voice Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Data Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Cellular Provider

Wolf Mtn is located southeast of Oakridge. It is a radio comm site with numerous VHF antennas (+ other transmitters) on one tower to the west.  The other east tower is an ATT celltower (good coverage!). The access roads are good and 2wd passable with some careful driving especially on FS2316 which is narrow in places.                                  

Getting There

Stop at the Oak Ridge RS and get the new (2013!) Middle Fork Ranger District map.  It’s brand new, has the well-known trailheads (TH) marked as well as the new FS road numbers.  And it’s accurate.

Go one mile east of Oakridge on Hwy58 and turn south on Hills Creek Lake road.  Go ½-mile and stay left on NF23.  Follow signage to Wolf Mtn.  At approx 16.5 miles (see mileposts on road), turn left on NF2316 (sign says “Wolf Mtn 6.5 mi”).  At an intersection with NF510, turn left for approx 1 miles.  This is still NF2316.  The road gets narrow in places and somewhat gnarly but with careful driving a 2wd vehicle can easily negotiate the rocks. Follow this road around to the NW to a 3-way intersection.  Turn rt on FS526 to the peak.  Snow drifts may block this road but it’s a short hike.                                   

Red Tape

No permits required.  The summit is a possible drive-up (after snow melts) so don’t forget your obligatory Activation Zone hike.           

When To Climb

The road is usually snow free between June and September.  The access road is not plowed in the winter but the road is a popular cross-country trail and often used by snowmobiles.  Bring bug juice as the summit is a resort for the critters.

Mountain Conditions 

Great vistas especially of Diamond Peak.  The summit is exposed so the wind can be rough but there are areas to get on the leeward side of rocks or buildings.

External Pictures 

