APRS Coverage
Full two-way messaging
Voice Cellular Coverage
Spotty, may not work at all
Data Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider

Iron Mountain is located east of Sweethome and is a very popular hike so expect a number of other hikers, especially on a weekend.

There is a new, large observation platform built where the old firetowers used to be. This summit is quite exposed if the wind is blowing.  The vistas are superb with precipitous dropoffs to the south and east.                               

Getting There 

From Sweet Home travel approximately 32 miles east on Highway 20. Then turn left on Road #035 and travel 2.6 miles to the trailhead.  This is the shortest route to the top. The road is quite passable for a 2wd vehicle probably accounting for the popularity.  A restroom is located at this upper trailhead.  Or see the Willamette National Forest website for Iron Mtn:  http://goo.gl/G5CqL for a longer hike.                    

Red Tape

NW Parking permits required.            

When To Climb

The road is usually snow free between June and September.  The access road is not plowed in the winter but the road is a popular cross-country trail and often used by snowmobiles.  The trail to the top is quite exposed so I would recommend NOT trying it in the winter/snow times. 

Mountain Conditions

Great vistas especially of the Cascades.  The summit is exposed so the wind can be rough.  There are few locations where you and your antenna could be located without being a problem if the summit is crowded on a weekend. buildings.


External Pictures
