APRS Coverage
Good digi echos
Voice Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Data Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Cellular Provider

There's a park to activate from for this pavement activation in the suburbs of West Linn. The actual summit is apparently on someone's back deck, but fortunately Skyline Ridge Park is in the activation zone.

 If you are wanting to do a pedestrian mobile activation you could perhaps parade up and down South Crestline Drive, accessed by turning up Glenmorrie Drive off Highway 43 just north of Marylhurst University. Or be more comfortable and still in the activation zone in Skyline Ridge Park by turning up Arbor Drive a few block farther south. Take a right and a left and a right and a left to head up steep Skye Parkway and then right onto Troon Drive. Park a block or so after your turn onto Troon Drive for 100 feet vertical hike on a sidewalk to the park, located on the corner of Troon Drive and Stonehaven Drive. Note that Google Maps shows the park in the wrong location.

One can set up near the picnic table or just about anywhere - the park seems to be lightly used. Plenty of trees for antenna support and not much RFI from the houses surrounding the park.