APRS Coverage
Some stations received, but no digi echos
Voice Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Data Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider

This summit is only about a mile from a large parking lot on the road to the top of Mary's Peak but it requires some strenuous up-hill bushwhacking from that readily accessible parking lot.  There are some old logging roads in the area, mostly grown over with bushes, that will get you close to the summit but getting to a logging road from that particular parking lot was quite a workout.  Looking at the satellite view there appears to be an easier, albeit much longer access route via a logging roads (for hiking) a bit farther to the north from where I started.

The summit itself is rather broad with lots of older tall trees abundant with antenna hanging potential.  There is absolutely no view at all from the top.  Right at the "summit" is a pile of rocks with one mossy covered, strategically-positioned rock that is flat just like a table.  I did haul a folding camp chair with me and I was quite comfortable for the 2-3 hours I was up there, and I was surprised that even some sunshine found it's way into the operating position.

Worked 14 stations on 20 and 17 meters, three of which were summit-to-summit contacts.  I used a KX3 at 4-5 watts (internal batteries) and a 84' long-wire with 2 radials.