APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Data Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Cellular Provider

Awbrey Butte is a summit in suburban Bend, Oregon. Although the Activation Zone is surrounded by private property and the summit proper is a fenced site for multiple radio installations, there are several Bend city parks near the summit that make an activation possible. 

There is a trail that connects two Bend city parks - Sylvan Park and Summit Park. The address for Sylvan Park is 2996 NW Three Sisters Drive, Bend, Oegon. One part of the trail runs along the fenceline for the radio installations with back yards of large homes on the other side of the trail. We started at Sylvan Park (only a few parking spots there) and went along the trail about 200 meters until we reached the AZ and found a tree next to the trail to set up and operate.  There was a some QRN from the radio installations on 40m, but not a problem on other bands for the KX3.