<p>Hello ATN and group,</p><p>I posted for W7O/NC-051. I am not particular to this summit and just would like to participate. I want to put it out there for anyone else that I am willing to help in anyway possible. If there is someone that would like to participate that needs someone to carry their gear or any other possible thing. I am there, just let me know what I can do to help people get up on the summits. I am willing to pick someone up if transportation is an issue. Let me know what I can do to help and lets all go out and have a great time! My XYL may even come along and activate for the first time.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Matt</p><p>KF7PXT</p>

<p>Hey guys, I think this is a great idea. &nbsp;I have a family commitment that evening, so I may not make it to the eyeball QSO depending on the timing. &nbsp;I will most certainly go climb a mountain that day though!</p><p>See you on the air,</p><p>Dan - AE7RP</p>

<p>Well, I had hoped to be able to come, but it does not look good. &nbsp;If I can come, I will update the alert with the peak. &nbsp;If not, I will remove the alert Friday.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>73,</p><p>Linda</p><p>AB7YL</p>

Spring is here and it's time to get back out there and activate. We thought it would be fun to meet up with fellow Activators and to encourage new Activators. There are a number of SOTA peaks in and around Portland and we'd like to get activators up on all of them at the same time. We could all work each other on the air and then meet up after for an 'eyeball' QSO.

So, we've scheduled the Portland Urban S2S Party for Saturday, 26 April at 2000 UTC (that's 1pm local), rain or shine. For this event we'll try to get Activators on many SOTA peaks around Portland and work each other for both activation and S2S points on two meter FM. Afterwards, we'll retire to the McMenamins Hillsdale Pub (1505 SW Sunset Blvd, Portland 97239) to meet in person, recuperate, and share SOTA stories.

To 'claim' your summit, post an alert for our QRV time of 2000 UTC (on 26/04/2014) and a frequency of 146.55-fm with a comment "Portland Urban S2S Party" on www.SOTAWatch.org (you'll need to register if you haven't). 

Here's a list of ten close-in summits you might consider (all one-point):
     W7O/NC-051 - Bald Peak (HF feasible)
     W7O/WV-099 - Cooper Mountain (HF feasible)
     W7O/NC-061 - Red Hills of Dundee HP
     W7O/WV-091 - Parrett Mountain
     W7O/WV-090 - Cornell Mountain
     W7O/WV-096 - Mount Sylvania (HF feasible)
     W7O/WV-098 - Petes Mountain
     W7O/WV-138 - Peak 761 (aka Skyline Ridge-HF feasible)
     W7O/WV-095 - Mount Scott  (HF feasible)
     W7W/LC-164 - Prune Hill (HF feasible)

See http://www.pnwsota.org/content/guide-portland-urban-sota-summits for more information and links to Activation Trip Reports for each of these summits. You are free to double up on these - in fact, if we get participation from many that should be the case.

If you are intending to operate HF from those summits where it is feasible, please start early and be finished with those ops by our 2000 UTC QRV time.

Depending on how much participation we get, we may have a directed net for this event, asking for check-ins from each summit and asking each Activator in turn to call QRZ? to work other summits and then also QRZ? for any Chasers.

There are certainly other peaks that could be included in this S2S event - however we think you might be late to meet up at the pub if you activated them! If you are just outside of Portland feel free to work us from Mount Defiance, Bobs Mountain, South Saddle Mountain, both Larch Mountains (OR and WA), Marys Peak, Goat Mountain or any other summit you might like to try.

For your gear, a HT with 5W and an aftermarket whip should be sufficient to work most everyone. However, a gain antenna could be a benefit - a car mag mount on a cookie sheet, a simple yagi or a 5/8 wave are options to consider. (Remember to open your squelch to hear the weak ones.)

Be aware of the basic SOTA activation rules - battery power, not in a motor vehicle, and a non-motorized final ascent. Be sure to document S2S contacts in both your Activation Log and in the Chaser/S2S Log on www.SOTAData.org.uk.

See you on the air and at the pub on 26 April!
