APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Don't know
Data Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Cellular Provider

This peak is 68.5 miles east of Interstate 5 along State Route 2. Go over Stevens Pass and very soon after the highway divides, turn left on Smithbrook Road #6700. Travel in, over and around the potholes for about 3.7 miles to a wide left-hand curve at about 4600' in a saddle of the Nason Ridge. Park along the road or on a nearby spur road and you'll find the trail for access on the east side signed as Nason Ridge Trail #1583. No permits required here.

The forested trail that begins by travelling around a small lake and then gains altitude rapidly as it wraps up and then goes around the summit. The trail levels out and traverses along the south at around 5400' with the view opening up nicely. Continue on for a short time, and just as the trail begins to descend there is an open slope, soft and with sparse vegetation which provides a clear, steep scramble up the last 175' to the top. Even at my slow morning pace, it took less than an hour to reach the summit.

The top is generally forested, but the open slope I walked up provided a path all the way to the small peak which is nestled in the trees. There was enough open area for the antenna - slightly below and on the SE shoulder. Stakes for the telescoping mast guylines went in easily, and I tied off the antenna to the trees. The gentle breeze presented no challenges. The view is generally south and east - showcasing the higher peaks further along the Nason Ridge. I could also see well into the Alpine Lakes Wilderness area to the southwest.

For well-conditioned folks, the ridge trail to this peak begins at the same spot as you could access Union Peak - W7W/SN-082, and Jove Peak - W7W/SN-058 which are further to the West. All three of these 6-pointers could be combined into one long day. Note that the trail to the other two peaks from here is not as easy and straight-forward as this one.

73 de N7KRN - Fred