APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Don't know
Data Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider

With the continuing warm weather, I went out this weekend to finish out the
trio of Coffin, Buck and Bachelor Mountains. I headed for Bachelor this weekend.

To reach the Bachelor mountain trailhead, follow the directions I gave in the
Coffin and Back mountain activation. However, when reaching the #450 road,
continue further for about 0.5 mile and take a left at the intersection. After
about 0.6 miles, the road comes to a end at the trail head. I found only
a post where I suppose the trail head sign used to be.

The trail up Bachelor mountain was well graded and easily followed. I was on the
summit in about one hour. On this day, unlike the previous weekend, the views
were incredible. Visibility was probably in excess of 100 miles. Mount Hood
was crystal clear. The frozen landscape heading up was spectacular. Winter
transforms the Cascades into frozen fairyland.

The temperature was 35 degrees at the trailhead and maybe 25 at the summit. The
winds were quite strong and my SOTA travel pole was bending a lot with the
bigger gusts. I figured it best just to not look at the pole bending. The
summit has the remains of an old lookout with some concrete and steel rods
still sticking out of the summit. There were a number of suitable trees
that would support a EFHW or a low dipole.

I was able to hunker down behind a snow covered noble fir that provided
a great wind break. Somebody had made a little platform from rocks and
I put my Crazycreek on it. Operation was very good from this summit. Again
my key was acting up. I believe that it may have to do with the loss of
springiness in the brass paddles in cold temperatures. This time however,
I brought a backup emergency key made from a nickel pushbutton switch.

The SOTA travel pole worked well. It is quite a bit more flexible than
the DK9SQ pole. This may allow better survival in high wind and icing. I
guess time will tell. It sure bends alot in the wind, but doesn't break.

This area will be a must return place for the summer months.