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The summit near "Dimple Hill" (W7O/CC-118) in McDonald forest near Corvallis
is a nice first summit or a good summit if you are in the area but don't have
much time to spare. To get there, travel north about 4 miles on OR 99W from
Corvallis until Lewisburg Road crosses 99w at the "City Limits Store". Turn
left on Lewisburg Road and travel 1.3 miles where Sulfur Springs Road heads
off to the right. Take Sulfur Springs road for 1.5 miles to the Lewisburg
Saddle (at the top of the grade) where there is ample parking for the trailheads
there. This can be a crowded place on weekends as it is very popular with

At the Lewisburg Saddle trailhead, you want to go west on RD 600, the Harry
Patterson Road. The entry is marked as the Lewisburg Saddle West entry at
the 600 gate. Head up RD 600 for a mile or so, passing the 620 road on your
right.  About 75 yards past road 620 is road 640. Turn right on the 640 road.
Go about 150 yards until you see a well worn, unmarked, single-track mountain-bike
trail going uphill to your left. It is directly opposite a large stump off the
right side of the road.  Head up the steep trail for about 20 minutes till you
"T" into another unmarked trail. Turn right here and its about 100yds to the
gravel summit.

The "summit" is a small gravel landing, surrounded by trees, with no view. There
are a few smaller fir trees to attach a SOTA pole to and some bigger trees for
dipoles. The gravel is so dense and packed at the summit that it is impossible to
put a tent stake in. The actual "Dimple Hill" summit has a nice bench and view of
the Willamette Valley and Corvallis.

An alternate way to this peak is to not take the 640 road turn off and proceed
another .75 miles up the 600 road to a 4-way intersection where road 660 turn
uphill to the right. If you take the 660 road, after about 0.75 miles be sure to
take the right fork towards the true summit. This is a much longer but less steep
way to the summit.