APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Data Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Cellular Provider

This is a continuation of a trip I took to W7O/CM-132 during which I also
went to Sand Mountain, W7O/CM-077. Proceed as mentioned in the other blog
entry for W7O/CM-132, but before reaching the Big Lake Campgrounds turn
off FS 2690 onto FS 810, the Old Santiam Wagon Road. Road 810 is open to
mountain-bikes and apparently from the signage is also an active OHV area.

Take road 810 about 3 miles (estimated) until a road leads off to the left
marked with a sign denoting the Sand Mountain Special Geological area. Take
this road up Sand Mountain about 1.25 miles. This road is closed to all

Sand Mountain is actually two peaks. The road stops at a set of split rail
fences directly between the two summits. The summit to the right has a nice
trail leading up. Near the top, the trail is presently nearly washed out on
a steep slope. I crossed it anyway as there appeared to be no other way to
the summit. The summit area is very interesting and barren.

There is a fire lookout at the top that looks like it is probably seasonally
used. There is also a nice flag pole that avails itself as a wonderful antenna
support. The day up there was glorious. It was probably 50 degrees with a light
breeze and brilliant sunshine. I stripped off my shirt and set about to work
all those wonderful chasers out there while catching substantial vitamin D.

Taking a mountain-bike allowed me to cover a lot of territory this day. However,
the sandy soil on road 810 made for a lot of miserable biking. I pushed my bike
pretty much all the way up Sand Mountain so I could ride it back down. However,
the sand was so soft and wet I actually had to peddle downhill to keep speed up.
Still it was a great way to see a lot of territory and I'll certainly use it
again when and where I can.