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Willamette Valley Summit to Summit (S2S) Party
Saturday, May 16th 19:00 UTC (Noon local)
Frequency: 146.55 - FM

This event is a perfect way to introduce both hams and non-hams to SOTA.
Invite hams from your local club, bring your kids, neighbor or invite other
curious hikers on the summit to make a contact. This is a great day to enjoy
and promote our radio sport. If you bring HF gear, we can share our party
with distant chasers too.

The party will convene at 1900 UTC on 146.55Mhz - FM, rain or shine. A central
"net control" will gather a list of stations on SOTA summits and then we will
do a directed "round robin" where all stations can contact all other stations.
We can all earn activation points, S2S points and make any participating chasers

When we are all done, we can retire to the Corvallis McMenamins Pub to meet in
person, enjoy refreshments, and share SOTA stories.  We will aim for a meeting
time of 2230 GMT (3:30pm local). This is an opportunity to meet up with fellow
activators and to encourage new ones. The pub is located at 420 N.W. Third Street
Corvallis, OR 97330. Its easy to get to and find. I'll be the guy with the
HT on his table.

To 'claim' your summit, post an alert for our QRV time of 1900 UTC, 16/05/2015
and a frequency of 146.55-fm with a comment "Willamette Valley S2S Party" on
www.SOTAWatch.org (you'll need to register if you haven't).

For gear, a HT with 5 watts and an rubber duck should allow you to work a few
stations. However, a small whip, a car mag mount on a cookie sheet, J-pole,
Slim-Jim or even a yagi will really help you get out. Also, remember to open your
squelch to hear weaker stations.

Afterwards, be sure to document your S2S contacts in both your Activation Log
and in the Chaser/S2S Log on www.SOTAData.org.uk.

If you have questions, and especially if you intend to meet up afterwards at
the pub, please email me at: traylor "at" ece "dot" orst "dot" edu

Listed below are some summits you might consider. All these summits have
information on line to help you get there and get to their activation zone. If
you google their summit identifier, you can find the directions which are
listed on the PNWSOTA website.


Portland Area                       
  Skyline Ridge     W7O/WV-138     
  Mount Sylvania   W7O/WV-096   
  Cornell Mountain  W7O/WV-090   
  Mount Scott         W7O/WV-095     

Forest Grove Area
  Saddle Mountain  W7O/NC-002   

Mount Hood Area
  Devils Peak         W7O/CN-033      
  Tom Dick Harry   W7O/CN-032   

Lincoln City Area
  Mount Hebo       W7O/CN-006   

Newberg Area
  Bald Peak          W7O/NC-051      
  Sheridan Peak    W7O/NC-009   

Molalla Area
  Goat Mountain    W7O/WV-058   

Corvallis Area:
  Marys Peak         W7O/CC-001     
  Dimple Hill          W7O/CC-118      
  McCullough Peak  W7O/CC-038   
  Bald Mountain     W7O/CC-011     
  Rocky Top           W7O/WV-020     

Eugene Area
  Mount Pisgah     W7O/WV-088   
  Eagles Rest        W7O/WV-078   
  Buck Mountain    W7O/WV-076   
  Mount Tom`       W7O/WV-075   
  Spencer Butte    W7O/CC-043