K7MK and I continue to get our SOTA Activator legs under us. We are going to attempt a Idaho Triple Play on Friday afternoon the 31st. Look for us on the following summits starting around 2:00PM MDT/20:00 UTC.

  • W7I/BC-062 Sunset Mountain
  • W7I/BC-056 Pilot Peak
  • W7I/BC-059 7905

There is some slim chance we will have cell phone coverage but more than likely we will be spotting via APRS2SOTA. We should have two stations on the air based on K7MK's KX3 and K7ZO's TS-480.

We know this is getting rather late in the afternoon for chasers but don't miss this chance for 18 easy chaser points.

Also, as a reminder our "2015 Idaho Kool-Aid Kids Chaser Challenge" is still underway. See: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/nasota/conversations/messages/24176

Every QSO you make with us is good for the Challenge and amazing awards. Please work us both on all bands and modes we operate. 

The current standings are as follows:

Call   Total
W7RV    12
N4EX    8
W0MNA   7
W0ERI   7
N6KZ    5
K4MF    5
NS7P    4
NE4TN   4
N7AMA   4
AA7DK   4

It should be easy to rack up 8-10 QSOs, or more, with us. Join the Challenge! Work us both on every band and mode we operate on and from each summit!
