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On Sept 12, 2015, I had intended to activate several peaks in Crater Lake National Park.
Having read Etienne's blog entry that Llao Rock was closed, I had written it off but thought
I would ask when I arrived. Since it had been about two years since the closure, perhaps the
area had been rehabilitated.

When getting my entry pass at the north side of the park, I asked the Ranger if the Llao Rock
area was closed to hikers. He said no, but that all areas of the park were open except where
fire operations were underway. I told him I had heard it was closed but he repeated that it was
open. I was excited it is apparently a pretty place to see.

I headed up to the rim road, turned left and parked about 0.5 miles up the road where a topo
map would indicate the most convenient access. I reached the summit in about 30 minutes. I did
not see any signs or other indications of a closure. I activated the peak and returned to my car.

The next day, wanting to make sure that Llao Rock was really open, I asked a ranger at the park
headquarters if Llao Rock area was closed. He said it was. I told him what I had done. He was not
upset with me but was glad I got to see it. He said there is a sign at the intersection with the
rim road and the north entry road noting the closure. I returned there the next day but could not
find the sign.

We had a good chat about Llao Rock. He mentioned that there may be plans in the future for guided
tours to Llao Rock with roped off walking routes to avoid the fragile vegetation, especially the
rare pumice moonwart. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botrychium_pumicola)

The bottom line is that Llao rock is still closed except for when snow is covering the area. (see
the link in Etienne's post) I activated it only after checking with what I thought was a
knowledgeable individual. If I had known that it was not open, I would not have activated it.