APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Don't know
Data Cellular Coverage
Spotty, may not work at all
Cellular Provider

Mt Scott is the highest point in Crater Lake National Park. It is also the only place where
a normal camera lens can capture the entire lake. Its a popular summit and receives a lot of
traffic. The trail-head is on the eastern side of the park directly off the rim road. Its
2.5 miles to the summit with about 1200 ft of elevation gain.

The trail begins in a nice hemlock forest that transitions to scrubby pines with less and

less shade or wind breaks available. If its a hot day, take plenty of water and sun protection.
I saw some folks on this 80+ degree (unseasonably warm!) day who were woefully unprepared,
carrying only a single 700ml bottled water. I drank about 2 liters during my activation.

The trail is well graded and maintained. There are nice views and its a pretty pleasant walk.
Unfortunately, there was lots of smoke from forest fires burining near the western side of the park.
The summit has a lookout tower on top but was not manned when I was there. Near the tower,
there are numerous scrubby pines that can support EFHW or dipole antennas. At the summit proper,
it can be crowded if more than a half dozen folks are up there.

If you go a little further north past the tower, there is an excellent operating position which
places you away from the crowds, provides a natural seat with backrest and nice shielding from
either sun or wind. There are also a troop of ground squirrels that will keep you entertained.
I had to keep one of them shoo-ed away as he/she kept trying to steal one of my ATS3 band modules.
It would have jumped in my lap if I let it.

I had 27 contacts in 22 minutes with strong signals received but I was not being heard as well.
Thanks to all you great chasers! You keep this lots of fun. So fun to hear those familiar calls
when on a summit.

This was a great summit. The hike is nice and easy, the views are good on a clear day and the
operating position is fantastic. Highly recommended.

Remember that this is a national park and that everything is protected - trees, rocks, soil. No tying antennas to trees or putting stakes in the ground.