APRS Coverage
Good digi echos
Voice Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Data Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider

Peak 5180 (one of four with the same name in Idaho) appeared to be a relatively accessible summit off Blacks Creek Rd, SE of Boise Idaho.  After some discussions with a co-worker (AKA Erik the Mountain Goat) I learned that there was a developing trail around the base of Peak 5180.  It's a 16 mile adventurous Mtn bike trail.  Erik had also hiked this peak during the winter using a drirect route up the ridge (see links below).  After a study of Google earth, I decided to take this trail for a mile or so and then turn up onto one of the ridges leading to the summit.

There's a small area to park at the trailhead and the trail is very obvious.  The trail follows the creek, which was running good with spring runoff.  This made our dog happy as it was one of the warmer days so far this year.  We took a fork off the main creek and followed game trails up another creek until we got on one of the ribs heading towards the summit.  Use a GPS to point yourself towards the summit as it isn't visible from down below.  I guess you will eventually find it if you just go up!

Be prepared for steep pitches in the 30%-45% range for quite a while.  You will need to wind your way through sagebrush on this steep hillside, but there is generally a good path to find.

Once on the summit you will be greated with an expansive view off to the east with the S. Fork of the Boise River below and the Trinity and other mountain ranges in view.  Quite a few other SOTA summits come into view with Grape Mountain being the closest across the S. Fork.  There are open patches of grass on the summit and a few live and down trees.  The summit though does have a good cover of bushes that like to snag a dipole trying to be erected.  You won't have an issue finding a place for an antenna though.

Verizon cell coverage is workable with ~ 2 bars of LTE.  No ATT coverage (as usual).  You should be able to get into the APRS repeater out in the Owhyee's from here.  I was hearing some APRS, but didn't end up using it as we had cell coverage.  2M repeater should be no problem into any of the Boise repeaters.

This is a great spring hike as the views to the remaining snow capped mountains are great with the greening up of the valleys below.

My Strava report:

All my pictures from trip:

Erik's winter route (shows direct - off trail version):

Mtn Bike Loop of peak base:

Winter video from Erik:

5180 trail


5180 trail


5180 trail


5180 summit


5180 summit


5180 summit


5180  track