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Good, very usable
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Wind Mountain is a great hike with fantastic views near Hood River Oregon.  It is on the Washington State side of the river so your will need to cross the toll bridge to the Washington side if you are coming from Hood River, OR.

The toll is $1 I think and is well worth the price of admission for Wind Mountain.  You will pass the parking for Dog Mtn on the way to Wind Mtn if coming from Hood River.  Dog Mtn is another popular hike to a SOTA summit.

More hiking and SOTA information can be found on K7ATN's trip report:  http://www.pnwsota.org/node/312

Our hike up was great and we were greated by amazing views once we got to the summit.  However, since we were in fire season, the smoke rolled in during the activation and it wasn't long before we could hardly see the river.

A great hike nonetheless.

More pictures here:  https://goo.gl/photos/qf7MzJaYTq6Gbtqo9

Strava report here:  https://www.strava.com/activities/370622540

73, de K7MK