Voice Cellular Coverage
Spotty, may not work at all
Data Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider

Park at the open gate where FR54 and FR5407 cross which is just west of the Trapper Creek Wilderness area.  The TH is just across from the parking area where the Wilderness Permit box is located.

The approach from the west begins with a walk through a flat wooded meadow. Shortly after winding through this area, the trail begins climbing steeply 700 feet to a ridgeline.  Bushwhack west from the ridgeline trail to the summit...about 200 ft elevation gain and about 1/4 mi or so.  Follow the game trails to the summit area.  There's plenty of area for a EFHW antenna.  Look out for the slugs!

Driving  Directions:  For the western trailhead: From Vancouver, take I-205 to Hwy 503. Head east on 503 until you reach the small town of Chelatchie. Take a right on NE Healy Road and follow it as it parallels Canyon Creek. At the national forest boundary, there is a fork in the road. Take the right fork and turn onto FR 54. Stay on this winding, sometimes bumpy road for about 15 mi or so until the junction with FR 5407, the first pavement after many miles of gravel.

See http://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/soda-peaks-lake for more hike info.