APRS Coverage
Good digi echos
Voice Cellular Coverage
No service at all
Data Cellular Coverage
No service at all
Cellular Provider

Access Info:  Take SR25 south from Randle or north from Cougar.  Head west on SR99 for 4.5 mi to the Bear Meadow Viewpoint.  Restrooms at the viewpoint parking area.  Read the interpretive signage at this viewpoint since this is where many of the iconic photographs were made of the St. Helens eruption in process by photographer Reynolds, who barely escaped with his family.

I parked across the road but you could easily park at the interpretive lot.  The trail is well maintained (Boundry Trail) for the first mile.  Take the #220 trail on the right at the intersection.  This trail needs some help...many fallen trees and overgrown in places by either ferns or the huckleberry bushes.  See http://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/strawberry-mountain for a detailed description.

At the white propane tanks, head up the small knob.  The fire lookout guy wires and some old wood remain of the early lookout.  In mid-August, the bugs (gnats, black flies, regular flies, swarming termites) were out in force.  Fortunately, there was enough wind to keep them at bay on the windward side of the hill.  Nice views of Mt St. Helens and the Goat Mountain Ridge to the west.  This would be a good family hike.

The Vancouver 147.24+ (94.8) repeater was full-quieting from the summit.