APRS Coverage
Good digi echos
Cellular Provider

Plan a clear day for this trip since the mountain views (St Helens, Mt. Adams, Mt Hood, Mt Rainier) are spectacular from the summit area.  The views of the Mt St Helens north crater and blast zone are iconic.  This hike should be on the "must do" list in order to gain insight into the blast and destruction caused by the 1980 eruption.

Driving Directions:   Take FR25 south from Randle.  Note that FR26 is closed until late fall of 2017 due to washouts.  Then take FR99 about 16 miles west to the Windy Ridge parking area.  There are restroom facilities available.  

TH Access Info:  Take the trail steps (about 200 vert feet) to the viewing area.  There is a trail going to the east.  Go off trail after about 1/4 mile and follow the Windy Ridge ridge east for another 1/2 mile for the best views and RF takeoff angles to the east and south.