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Treasure Mountain is a non-descript forested summit that is located south of Elliston, MT.  Head south on the Little Blackfoot road (which leaves the highway east of Elliston) and trend left up Telegraph Creek 3.0 miles later when the road forks.  Follow the Telegraph Creek Road SSE for 4.9 miles, and take the major turn to the right (westerly).  Continue across Telegraph Creek, and follow the road 0.6 miles to where it intersects the Treasure Mountain Road.  The Treasure Mtn. Road may be driven at least another 1.8 miles, except Oct. 1 - May 15, when it is closed to wheeled motorized use.  Follow the Treasure Mountain Road until it crests out on the ridgeline that is east of Treasure Mountain.  Hike westerly along the ridge crest & bypass the rocky part of the ridge on the north side.  There is a steep tailings pile on the east side of Treasure Mountain that is the crux of the hike.  This may be most easily climbed on the right (north) side of the timber loading structure.  The summit is flat and forested.