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Bear Mountain is a 3700’ peak between Dorena Reservoir and Dexter Reservoir.  It is home to a number of RF facilities and can be seen from a distance.


On November 21, 2016, my wife and I tried to find a route to this summit.  Google Maps presents a route that goes up Hwy 58 from I-5, turning south onto Rattlesnake Creek Rd, Lost Creek Rd and onto Old Giustina Mill Rd to Rat Creek Rd.  This is an approach to the summit from the north. We followed these instructions, but were turned back by “keep out” signs and an active gate on Old Giustina. 


I was able to trace out another route on a topo map that was a promising way to get to the summit. It took Lost Valley Ln to Anthony Creek Rd and up that way. It, unfortunately, came to no trespassing signs along Anthony Creek Rd.


We gave up for the day and activated our back-up summit, W7O/WV-088. At a later date, I will try to get to the Bear Mountain summit by taking Rat Creek Road up the south side of the mountain. Rat Creek runs up from the north shore of Dorena Reservoir.