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Spotty, may not work at all
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This unnamed peak is located west of Territorial Highway and south of Crow, OR. This one-point summit is located in the middle of a young and dense forest. Views are not expansive.


To reach this summit, drive south on Territorial Highway from Crow. At a point 1.1 miles south of the Crow store, turn right onto Wolf Creek Rd. Follow Wolf Creek for 5.5 miles to an intersection with Panther Creek Rd. Veer left onto the paved Panther Creek Rd and follow this road for 0.4 miles to the next intersection. At that intersection, stay (left) on the paved Panther Creek Rd and drive 1.7 more miles to an intersection with Battle Creek Road.  Continue straight onto Battle Creek Rd. In 1.0 miles, turn right uphill. Follow this somewhat rough gravel and dirt road about 1.0 miles to its end. 



The road ends in a dirt circle with some litter. Park here. Follow the trail that heads up the left side of the circle. The trail is somewhat overgrown, but can be followed with care. The trail follows the ridge line or the left side of it. The summit is in the middle of the young and dense forest. Several trails and small openings crisscross the summit. Antennas will probably need to be attached to trees. I pushed the antenna mast up the side of a 5 to 6" diameter fir tree. The wet branches didn't seem to hurt the signals too much.


The draw of this summit is its short drive from Eugene and the reasonably easy trail to the top. As long as you stay on the trail, it is less than a half mile and ascends 150 to 200'. Be wary of staying on the trail however. The forest density with a lot of downed wood and no real views makes it easy to get "lost". 


There is another way to access the summit that utilizes logging roads on the summit's southwest side, also reached off of Panther Creek Rd. However, the roads are gated off much further from the summit. It's easier to take Battle Creek Rd.



Another easy hike summit is in this same area. High Point, W7O/CC-048. They can be an easy two summit day.