Trail Characteristics
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Roger, ND7PA, reports that he reached this summit from a parking area along Mary’s Peak Rd. That route required a difficult bushwhack of a mile or so through the forest.  Bushwhacks of this type in western Oregon can be very challenging, so I looked for a different route.  The topo maps show a series of roads that approach the summit from the west.  I traced out the route and set off.  


The forest roads start near the intersection of Decker Rd and Hwy 34 (east of Philomath, OR).  There is a road toward the south of 34, 0.9 miles west of Decker.  This is Rock Creek Rd.  Turn onto Rock Creek and in another 0.1 miles, turn left.  The maps show this ultimately getting to “3060”.  However, the road is blocked by gates and a number of signs that add up to “Keep out”.  The area is the Corvallis watershed, among other things.


So, the bushwhack may be the only choice for now. Further inquiry is needed.