Trail Characteristics
APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Don't know
Data Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider

I finally got an activation completed today (Dec 1, 2016).  I chose a relatively easy summit that is within 20 minutes of my home, Peak 1094. This peak is in the "back yard" of some rural/suburban houses and is apparently owned by a timber company. I asked for permission to hike from a neighbor. He felt that it was ok as long as I wasn't hunting. Asking first keeps it above board.


The "trailhead" is at the end of a gravel road that branches off of Butler Rd.  Butler runs along ridges west of Eugene, OR. It terminates at Territorial Hwy. About a mile from Territorial, Fir Tree Lane veers off on the north side of Butler. This lane has several houses along its (about 1/3 mile) length. It reaches a gate in front of the last house. Past the gate, the trail starts out as a badly rutted dirt road and slowly narrows to a somewhat tight footpath as it curves toward the northwest and reaches the summit in about 1/2 mile. The elevation gain is about 300'. I would stay out of the meadows in case the last "farm" has some live stock there. Stay among the blackberry dominated edges. 


The summit is somewhat open, though not too large. Plenty of trees can support your antennas. I strapped a carbon fiber mast to a small tree. The chasers were plentiful.