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Peak 5740 is one of the handful along the north side of Hwy 20 - west of Mtn Home Idaho.  Although, there was deep snow, this turned out to be a good winter bonus point summit.

To get to the peak, take Hwy 20 east of Mtn home for 32 miles.  Turn left on Camas Reservoir Rd.  There is a small store on the corner there that may be open for food before/after.  I went up the road about a mile and parked.  This road was plowed well during this winter activation.  Near the beginning of the road there was numerous families enjoying the day snowmobiling on the lower slopes of this peak.  Google maps directions from mtn Home:  https://goo.gl/maps/17sPUiZmhn82

I put on the snowshoes and set off across about 2 feet of new snow.  I made a beeline for faint snowmobile tracks as the snow was knee deep.  Once on the tracks the progress was good.  Luckily an intrepid snowmobiler made a track about 2/3 up the peak.  I don't think I would have made it otherwise as offtrail it was knee to thigh deep even with snowshoes on.  Of course your time of year will vary on the conditions!

The peak is about 2 miles round trip and 700ft of climbing.  Looks like just scrub brush the whole way so should be no problem in the summer.  I made the summit ridge and setup just inside the activation zone.  There is a band of scrub brush and bushes just below the summit which helped lean the sota pole on. 

Hands froze sending CW, but the contacts were fast and I was able to head down my tracks.  Much easier on the way down!  Will definitely be coming back for summer or winter activations.

73 de K7MK