Trail Characteristics
APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Don't know
Data Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider

Yellow Butte is south of Drain, OR and seems to be open. A topo map will show the roads to get there. Generally, heading south from Drain, find West Rd to Cedar Rd. This will lead you to Drain Section Rd. Turn left off of Drain Section onto Hayhurst Rd. Turn right from Hayhurst onto Skelley Rd. Follow this to a poorly marked Andrews Creek Rd. Follow Andrews Ck, staying on the generally "main" dirt road. There are several sweeping U-turns that bring you to the final road to the summit. About half way up the road to the summit is a closed and locked gate. You can walk the last few hundred acres, but it is probably best not to block the gate. You'll have to back down several hundred yards to find a pull off.  I neglected to note the pullout location. Just find a wide area along the road to the summit, pull off there and walk up. It's not too far (perhaps a half mile).



The summit is flat with a couple of RF facilities. It should be easy to find antenna supports. I bungeed my mast to one of the fences enclosing the RF facilities. The RFI was very mild. It was breezy, cold and a little snowy when I was there on December 30, 2016 - my last activation of the year.