APRS Coverage
Good digi echos
Voice Cellular Coverage
Spotty, may not work at all
Data Cellular Coverage
Don't know
Cellular Provider

Saturday, January 14, 2016, I attempted the first ever winter activation of Quartz Mountain. This summit intrigued me as I have previously skied on the cross country ski trails at Mt. Spokane. The trails, which many are on a Forest roads, create the basis for the cross country trail system. There is a warming hut in somewhat close proximity to the activation point. I believe it is possible to drive up to the summit during the summer. The cross country trail maps shows the road leading to the summit as “occasionally groomed”. It was unclear when or if this trail was groomed this year. I skied to the point where the grooming stopped and it was apparent the road continued. At that point I switched to snow shoes, but certainly one could have skinned all the way to the top with their skis. I followed some tracks that were made by some skiiers, and I later met them at the top and discovered that they were snow boarders and had used “split boards”  

Sno-Parks Map


Detailed Map of Trail System


Please note!  It seems as though the cross country trail system is constantly expanding.  therefore both of the above maps are not completely current.  However, they shoudl provide enough info for the activation itself!


I set up for a 2 meter activation and made 5 contacts. One of the contact, however, I don’t think I got the call sign down correctly. But I also made a contact on 223.500, my first ever contact on the 1.25 meter band! I attempted my first ever HF contact, but had no success. I was able to hear the noon time net, early check-ins, but they could not hear me…..  


Thanks to chasers: K7AW3, W7CFN, W7SQ, N7RAW