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Huckleberry Mountain and its lookout is well known and for very good reasons. The catwalk around the elevated lookout offers wonderful, 360 degree views. All of the major snow capped peaks from Mt Hood to Thielsen and McLoughlin are visible. In addition, detailed views down into the nearby foothills are there for our enjoyment. The lookout makes a great place to do radio.

The route to the lookout is well documented, even though the path through Oakridge is a bit dicey at times. See Google Maps or other sources. This time of year (May/June), the lookout is not staffed, and the gate to the road uphill is closed. I understand that the gate is open when the lookout staff is present, but you will have less freedom operating from the catwalk. The hike up from the gate is 1/2 to 3/4 miles.

No trees are close by for antenna supports, but a mast can be lashed to the catwalk fence to hold up wires. I took that approach and enjoyed operating sitting on the catwalk leaning against the lookout walls.

Lots of flowers bloom along the rocky paths. There is another SOTA summit (W7O/CN-115) that can be reached along side roads as you drive back down.